Investing in localised approaches – An Australian perspective
Image from Putting People First from the Centre for Policy Development
In 2024, The Auckland Co-Design Lab and The Southern Initiative were part of research undertaken by the Centre for Policy Development in Australia around social services reform and place-based approaches.
The two reports resulting from this research are now now available:
Putting People First: Transforming social services in partnership with people and communities
Drawing on extensive research and insights from local initiatives, Putting People First identifies six key drivers for reform, and four practical steps governments can take now, to create a system that is more effective at supporting people and communities. Well aligned with similar work in Aotearoa New Zealand, the report focuses on the potential of local initiatives, with key areas for change include commissioning, governance and evaluation approaches.
The six key drivers for reform outlined in the report are shown below.
Conversations in the Middle is a companion report that focuses on the stories and experiences of practitioners who are already trying to put these ways of working into practice. This report distills further the six of interconnected drivers for people- and place-centred social services.
To see both reports in full visit the CPD website.